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Category: IT Events

A lot of fans of a particular themes are interested in any activities directly connected with their interests. The so-called “IT-guys” are not going to be an exception – they are people whose interests include electronic gadgets, software and other things, related to the topic of information technologies. Of course, Ukraine, as a modern country, monthly hosts a wide variety of events and activities from the world of IT. In this section you can find information about the IT-events of Ukraine, IT-developments, IT-exhibitions and so on.


Apps Conference 2015 : 15 августа, Одесса

Хоп-Хэй-Лалалэй! На AppsConference едет WeLoveUa! Когда? 15 августа в 9:30 Где? Конференц-зал гостиницы «Гагарин».Одесса. Зачем? Собираются все классные и веселые...