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[:ua]Інна Фещук[:ru]Инна Фещук[:en]Inna Feshchuk[:]

[:ua]Інна Фещук[:ru]Инна Фещук[:en]Inna Feshchuk[:]

Меломан. Не виходжу з дому без навушників. Люблю подорожувати. Розповім багато цікавого :)


How To Survive In A Hostel

So, what’s so awful that requires writing an entire manual for survival? Eight strangers in the room, whatever. Someone is...


Ukraine in World Guide-Books

“Kyiv [Kiow], was previously one of the oldest cities in Europe, as evidenced by remnants of the past, namely by...


Coachsurfing: How And Why

Do you want to find out more about the country? Then talk to the locals. Sometimes, it is necessary to...


The Best 5 Autumn Stories

If you do not know what to devote your evening to, dedicate it to the autumn. To the autumn reading,...